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Are you living from your heart or have you given that up?

If you’ve experienced the loss of someone close to you, a betrayal, or fear pertaining to being vulnerable, you probably are wondering how you can possibly feel the love in relationship again – when it seems to create such chaos and devastation.

Same thing goes for loving yourself. When you’ve experienced loss, betrayal and the subsequent anger and sadness that go with it, without knowing many of us have turned that anger inside.

Self-love, self esteem and confidence are often needing to be rebuilt as we grow up. And when we aren’t loving ourselves, life is off balance and misaligned and often we don’t even realize it.

(Hint: Are you making enough money? Are you in the relationship you want to be in? Do you feel like you’ve found your life purpose and are living it? How’s your health?)

I’ve experienced a great deal of loss in my life like many of you have – my parents both died young, I got divorced in my late 30s, my beloved partner died a few years into our relationship, health issues from the trauma had limited me in some ways. Oy!

It’s been a long and winding road to healing. Many years I wondered if “the good life” was for others. It certainly hadn’t seemed like it was designed for me.

But I have always been extremely optimistic and also deeply devoted to my own healing journey. I have a thirst for insight and understanding; and also now for living in the higher planes where things feel much lighter!

I’m excited to offer you a new easily accessible opportunity to work with me directly, in person, live. šŸ™‚ (We have to say all those things now because of the pandemic!)

This year I took my healing and my learning to a higher level. I’ve learned new potent tools for healing and ‘coming back to love’ like never before and I’m excited to share them with you. And of course we will begin with the daily practice tools to Come Back To Love (if you haven’t learned these yet, this is especially for you…)

I look forward to having you join me! Spaces will be limited for this first round so take a peek now by clicking here. Email me with any questions you have. Share with a friend and join together!

Sneak Peek: Get ready to explore the how and why of self-love, self-compassion, and truth. Get ready to explore what it takes to unconditionally love yourself and navigate feelings of unworthiness, mother/father wounds, negative self-talk, betrayal, and grief. We will be learning a variety of tools, techniques, and practices to move to a place of supportive self-love and self-care.

How can it get any better than that? I can’t wait!

An Abundance of Love to you…..

P.S. If you jumped right to the bottom, I’d like to invite you to join me for Living From Your Heart – Cultivating A Life Of Love. We begin on April 22nd. Here’s the link for you.

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